Lonely Little Arms
1:35 min digital video

An exploration of Giving and Taking.
The artist covers themselves in Silly Putty™and invites participants to either remove or add pieces of the putty from their body.
* Proceed inside the curtain to the Exo-Self; pull off pieces of its skin.
*Proceed to the skin jar; add pieces of skin to the Exo-Self.
* Please place any removed skin back into the skin jar.
Self - Transformation

Self - Transformation (Baptismal)
This piece is an exploration in personal transformation through the abstracted concept of baptism.
* Please walk slowly - alone - into the spiral chamber. Take your time.
* When you reach the pedestal, grasp the sides and lower your head toward the water. If you wish, submerge your face, or sprinkle the water onto your self.
* Exit the way that you entered.
** 2019 version, pictured above, performed by Mata Moran.
An Exercise in Melting, pt .1